Vantage Specifier’s Guides
Architects, designers and other specifiers are welcome to use the Vantage Specifier’s Guides which are available in both print and digital format.
Our digital manuals can be accessed through the specifier-oriented eboss website where the guides are maintained on the eboss library. Users are required to register and obtain a password to access the manuals. You can also view the latest Eboss Now features.
Manuals include technical data and CAD drawings for residential ranges, ThermalHEART technology, Metro Series, APL Architectural series, Smartwood, and commercial window systems.
The Vantage brochures are all available in hard copy or can be viewed right here. The brochure gives a good overview of all products and systems.
Vantage Design Brochure
Vantage Design Brochure
Vantage Design Brochure
H1: Building Code Regulation Changes
The H1 Clause of the Building Code regulates the energy efficiency of our built environment covering wall, floor and roof insulation as well as the thermal performance of windows and doors.
Proposed changes to the Clause were consulted on last year and published in November 2021 – there are a range of requirements and transition and implementation periods depending on building type, construction element and climate zone.
A recent change to these transition periods for housing has provided a 6 months extension to the initial periods for roof, wall and floor requirements - However, Window and Door implementation begins on the original date of 3rd November 2022.
Care and Maintenance
Aitken Joinery window & door products meet all statutory warranty requirements and are fully tested to ensure compliance with the New Zealand Building Code. There are some simple things you can do to help retain their appeal for many years to come.
·After house construction is completed make sure any builder’s debris or dust is cleaned from the inside of sills to ensure drainage holes are not blocked. This is especially important for doorways that may have been in regular use during construction.
·Cleaning once every three months is recommended for windows and doors. In coastal or industrial environments more frequent washing will be required.
·We recommend cleaning with a soft brush with warm water and some mild household detergent. Rinse with fresh water.
·Do not use abrasive steel wool, scrapers, scouring liquids or aggressive solvents or thinners. These are likely to damage the surface finish.
·The cleaning cycle should include the removal of build-up in door tracks to ensure the maintenance of drainage paths.
Include Hardware
Regular maintenance of hardware is recommended.
Powder coated hardware should be cleaned regularly with a wet sponge or soft brush, warm water and a mild detergent and rinsed with fresh water. Plated product should be cleaned with a wet sponge without the use of detergent, as the latter can damage plating.
Stainless steel hardware needs to be cleaned regularly and care needs to be taken when rust spots occur. Even the highest grades of stainless steel can develop rust spots and these can be removed with a mildly abrasive cleaner and rinsed with fresh water. In cases of heavy corrosion a Scotch-BriteTM hand pad can be used. Specialised 3M® Stainless Steel Cleaner and Polish is also available as an alternative cleaning compound.
Take care with glass
Glass is a very delicate product that can be easily damaged.
Care is needed to ensure that scratching does not occur. Only detergents and cleaning solutions that are recommended for glass should be used. Begin cleaning by soaking the glass to loosen dirt. Then using a mild, non-abrasive solution, uniformly apply to the glass surfaces. Ensure that the solution is removed by rinsing with water as cleaning residue can permanently mark glass.
Energy rating systems
The windows and doors you purchase are built to your exact requirements. The choices you make can change the energy efficiency rating. Find out more information here
Window Association of New Zealand (WANZ) guide to window installation
Aitken Joinery are members of the Window Association of New Zealand (WANZ).
WANZ is an industry organisation that seeks to maintain high standards in the commercial and customer operations of its members. WANZ issues an annual practising certificate and promotes a code of ethics. Members must comply with all relevant mandatory standards.
The Vantage warranty certifies that all products meet or exceed the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code means of compliance for windows and doors (NZS 4211 & NZS 4223, parts 1, 2 & 3).
They are guaranteed for five years against failure of materials and workmanship and, as per the Building Code, can be expected to have a trouble-free serviceable life of more than 15 years. Read the terms and conditions.
Terms and Conditions